Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2, 2013

     As we look forward to the new year I doubt that any of us are anticipating or hoping for hardships, disappointments and trials. We wish one another a "Happy New Year" and send our best wishes for prosperity and joy. It would be shocking to wish someone a "Challenging New Year".

    And yet, it is in the difficulties of life that we find our inner strength. The diamond in the photo is chemically identical to a piece of coal that is easily broken and burned up in a fireplace. But from years of the pressure and heat from being buried deep beneath the surface of the earth; a beautiful, rare gem is formed. The diamond is said to be the hardest substance known to man.

     When God allows difficulties into our lives, His desire is to create in us the beauty and strength that is the result of learning to lean on Him in our time of need. The Creator of all is more than capable of seeing us through every difficulty. Jesus warned His disciples, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world." 

     So when difficulties strike, as they inevitably will, embrace them. Rather than asking "Why"? Ask "What do you want me to learn through this, Lord?"

Lord God, I thank you for your great provision in every area of our lives. But I also thank you for the challenges that make us lean into you and allow you to create something beautiful in us. Have your way, Lord. Amen

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 1, 2013

      Have you ever walked down a dark, unfamiliar path with only a flashlight to guide you? The temptation is to shine the flashlight far ahead to see what lurks down the path in front of you. Once you stumble on a stone or a tree root you quickly learn that the best place for the light to shine is just a few feet in front of where you are stepping.

     So often we want to see what lies ahead. It can become an obsession. Many people plan, worry, scheme and even consult with "fortune tellers" all in the desire to know the future. It is all like shining your flashlight too far into the distance. What good will it do to see down the road if you trip up on something right in front of you?

     In Psalm 119:105 it says: "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." Each day as we read God's Word, He gives us what we need for the day. It gives us the reassurance that He is with us, He will provide for us, and He already knows our future.

In this New Year, focus your attention on the One who holds your future rather than on what your future holds.

     Lord God, I give you my future, my hopes, and my dreams. Only you know the seconds of my life. I trust you to provide your good and perfect will for my life. It is in the Name of Jesus I pray. Amen